New Jersey

The GT Power Hour: Episode 33 (All Eyez on Md.: MD PSC Chair Jason Stanek’s big task)

The GT Power Hour: Episode 33 (All Eyez on Md.: MD PSC Chair Jason Stanek’s big task)

MOPRs, ROFRs and NOPRs, oy vey! In which we welcome back Jason Stanek, who chairs Maryland’s Public Service Commission, to discuss the tensions and challenges presented by Maryland’s Climate Solutions Now Act of 2022. Becoming effective on June 1 this year, the legislation is considered arguably the most ambitious climate-change law adopted by any state in the country, and Stanek’s commission will be tasked with getting the state on the right path to accomplish it — all without hiring any additional staff. It’s probably fair to think of Maryland over the next nine years as a bellwether for how feasible, given local objections to the necessary infrastructure development, rapid decarbonization in the power industry is. They’re the “canary in the coal mine,” as Chair Stanek notes, so “keep an eye on Maryland…”
Other topics include PJM’s recently released Grid of the Future study, the FERC/NARUC Joint Federal-State Task Force on Transmission, FERC’s NOPR on transmission, New Jersey’s evaluation agreement with PJM on offshore wind, food recommendations at the diner by the Buffalo airport, hot takes on college mascots, criticizing the U.S. Postal Service’s decision to not purchase EVs for its fleet, New Jersey officials for subsidizing nuclear plants and every overly-confident clean-energy activist on the Internet, thoughts about Maryland politics, its capital city and that big horse race it holds each year.

The GT Power Hour: Episode 32 (N.J.’s Path to Carbon-Free Power, w/ Princeton U. Prof. Jesse Jenkins)

The GT Power Hour: Episode 32 (N.J.’s Path to Carbon-Free Power, w/ Princeton U. Prof. Jesse Jenkins)

In which we… well, honestly, we talk a lot more about basketball than most episodes — but such comparative analysis fits well given that our guest is Jesse Jenkins, a Princeton University professor, energy-system analyst and modeler and all-around deep-thinker on the best and most-frugal paths to power-industry decarbonization. We dig into a study recently published by his ZERO Lab on pathways to a 100% carbon-free electricity in New Jersey (spoiler alert: you’ll still need natural gas, imports from other states will be key and offshore wind is perhaps too expensive), but also discuss life in the Ivy League in the time of COVID, technology tribalism in the energy-transition community, the media’s value in energy research, the good professor’s confession that he might be “a bad Duck” and much more!

Episode 23 (Line in the Sand: A Garden State-ment)

Episode 23 (Line in the Sand: A Garden State-ment)

In which we submit New Jersey Board of Public Utilities President Joe Fiordaliso to our line of questioning on resource adequacy, capacity markets, offshore wind, PJM, NIMBYism, state relations with PJM and FERC, New Jersey’s Energy Master Plan and its aggressive goals and the state of thermal generation in the Garden State.
Later, we force the president to engage in a little political Catch-22 and pick favorites between beloved New Jersey icons. After that, he doles out some advice to another president whose tenure his own has far exceeded and finally urges everyone to follow his state’s bold lead in addressing climate change.

Episode 17 (The Right Manu for the Job)

Episode 17 (The Right Manu for the Job)

In which we probe deep into the mind of Manu Asthana one year into his tenure as PJM’s president and CEO, and he proves to be up to the task – both in the interview and the job. Ranging from the MOPR, the ORDC, the NJBPU’s state-agreement approach on analyzing offshore wind and a word salad of other industry jargon to the pandemic and social-justice movements, we explore our guest’s perspectives on a wide variety of topics – and consistently return to themes of unity and equality that might be exactly the kind of leadership PJM needs right now.

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