Joe Bowring

Episode 21 (Bowring 2: The Monitor Is Always Watching)

Episode 21 (Bowring 2: The Monitor Is Always Watching)

In which we welcome PJM Independent Market Monitor Joe Bowring into the illustrious GT Power Hour Two-Timers Club to continue discussion of the compelling comments fellow club-member FERC Chairman Glick made on the previous episode, and the Monitor – as he is wont to do – happily (and ably) complies. Brace for a deep dive on the minimum offer-price rule (MOPR) in the capacity market, why FERC wants it pared back, how PJM appears likely to respond, the interaction of capacity and energy markets and what can be done to transfer generators’ reliance on capacity-market payments to actual performance in energy and ancillary-services markets. Let’s just say the Monitor and the Chairman don’t see eye to eye on several things.
It’s a pretty meaty talk that doesn’t stray far from the issues at hand, but there is some ranting and commiseration on the misery of driving the I-76 Schuylkill Expressway. Better buckle up!

Episode 5 (The Bowring Rehash)

Episode 5 (The Bowring Rehash)

In which we rehash our grilling of Joe Bowring, the PJM IMM, discuss the recent NARUC meeting and review the excitement throughout the PJM states.
PJM’s MOPR flowchart:

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